Latest News from the Ambassify team
New feature

Share albums and videos on Google Business

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • April 16, 2024

We added the option to upload multiple images or videos when creating a campaign that includes sharing on Google Business.


Note that Google Business does not support these types of media, so the resulting share will instead be a link to an Ambassify page where visitors can see the album or watch the video. This is identical to how it works when users share this kind of media on their personal Facebook profile, for example.


Extended lifetime for 3rd party connections

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • April 16, 2024

We've extended the lifetime of our 3rd party account connections, meaning users will have to reconnect their accounts less often.

A recap:

  • Facebook: connection is valid forever if used at least once every 2 months.
  • Google: connection is valid forever if used at least once every 6 months.
  • Instagram: connection is valid forever if used at least once every 2 months.
  • LinkedIn: connection is valid for 1 year. After that, users need to reconnect.
  • Strava: connection is valid forever.
  • X: connection is valid forever.

Users can manually revoke our access from within Ambassify or on the website of the 3rd party provider. Some networks will also invalidate the connection when a user changes their password.

New feature

Archive members

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • April 16, 2024

Managers can now archive members to temporarily disable their access to Ambassify without losing member data. Archived members won't be able to log in, participate, or receive messages from Ambassify. Managers can unarchive members to restore their access to the platform.

New feature

Provision and sync users using SCIM

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • March 18, 2024

We now offer support for customers with Enterprise SSO to automatically create, update, and delete Ambassify users based on the data in the customer's own user database (e.g., Active Directory.)

To make this work, the customer's end of the connection needs to support the SCIM protocol as well.

If you are interested in learning more about this feature, you can contact your Customer Success Manager.

New feature

Share on Google Business

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • March 18, 2024

We now also support sharing on Google Business. When this channel is enabled, members will be able to connect their Google Businesses to Ambassify and post updates on their Google listing straight from an Ambassify sharing campaign.

New feature

Translate campaigns with AI

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • March 18, 2024

Customers who have AI features enabled will now be able to have their campaigns automatically translated from one language to another.

When you use the "Copy from another language" feature, you will be asked whether or not you want the texts to be translated.

New feature

Edit comments

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • February 19, 2024

Community members are now able to edit their own comments.

New feature

Sharing in multiple languages within a single share campaign

Laurens avatar
Shared by Laurens • February 08, 2024

Do you have advocates that share content in more than one language? Or are you anticipating this in the future? Then be sure to check out this new feature update!

As an admin, you can now enable a setting on multilingual share campaigns that will allow your members to share in all languages the campaign offers, regardless of their profile language.


The members will be able to pick the language they want to share their content in within the campaign itself.


Want to learn more? Click here!

New feature

Deep links in emails sent with Ambassify

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • December 20, 2023

Our Ambassify messages have been updated to make it possible to turn regular links into deep links in our mobile app.

This is currently supported for links to community campaigns and the community homepage only, but we'll be working on adding support for more links in the future.

This means that when you add a link to a community campaign in an Ambassify message, and one of your members who has the Ambassify app (or your white label app) installed opens the link from the email app on their phone, the app will automatically open to show that campaign as opposed to the internet browser.

We will gradually enable this new feature for our customers over the next few weeks.

New feature

AI-powered reshare messages

Elise avatar
Shared by Elise • December 20, 2023

You can now use our AI-based generators to create default share messages for reshare campaigns.

You can read this article if you would like more information on our AI-based features.